Oakland Dentist

Gum Surgery & Periodontal SurgeryOakland, CA

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    Periodontal surgery may be needed to treat certain gum diseases and conditions, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. This type of surgery is commonly known as gum surgery. The procedure aims to treat gum disease, especially what is called as deep pockets and bone loss. The bone graft goes along with the surgery aims to regenerate the bone loss that happened as a result of periodontitis. This is the most popular surgery in a periodontal office and Dr Malboubi gets help from the Advanced LASER SURGERY to treat the indicated cases for this surgery.This technique is very minimally invasive , there is a very minimum bleeding and usually requires no sutures. Most patients report minimal to zero pain or discomfort after this procedure.

    Contact Us

    Oakland Dental Implant Center is located at
    3300 Webster St #905
    Oakland, CA

    (510) 257-2284