Categories: Sedation Dentist

Why You Should Visit Us for Sedation Dentistry in Oakland

Sedation DentistrySedation DentistryWhen receiving dental work, sedation dentistry can help you to feel calm and relaxed. We understand that many of our patients have concerns over visiting the dentist. After all, dentists have a bad reputation advanced through movies, cartoons, and even blogs. We are here to tell you that the myth is not true, visiting the dentist can be an entirely pleasant experience. In fact, if you visit a dentist frequently, the chance of you ever having a toothache or a dental emergency are greatly reduced. Still, just because we know this to be true does not mean you do, which is why we offer sedation dentistry.

We can help deal with anxiety

Sedation can help patients feel calm and relaxed. We find that since most routine dental work does not hurt, the anxiety comes from fear rather than what a patient is actually feeling. Sedation helps with this because it can help the patient to feel peaceful, calm, and relaxed. There are several ways to administer sedation, and it varies from dentist to dentist. We can give patients a small pill to take or have them breathe in nitrous oxide. Both have a calming effect and are used by several medical professions to keep patients calm when the issue is more mental than physical.

If a patient is interested in sedation dentistry, we encourage the patient to call our office for a consultation. We can examine the patient's teeth, take X-rays, and discuss any health or aesthetic challenges he or she may have without actually performing any procedures. In the comfort of our office, patients can feel free to express their concerns, so we can work with them to create a treatment plan that will ensure complete and total comfort. This way, when the patient comes back for an actual procedure, we will be ready and able to provide the care he or she needs.

Receive the proper dental care in comfort

The patient may need more than sedation dentistry. The patient may also need pain medication. Sedation has a calming effect, but if we are doing something like completing a root canal, we will also provide medication to prevent the patient from experiencing any pain or discomfort. Typically, we administer the sedation first so the patient is relaxed, and we will then give further medication while preparing for the actual procedure.

The medication will numb the area we are working on, so the patient will feel pressure only. Both the medication and sedation will last throughout the procedure, and we can give the patient more if necessary. Once done, they should wear off fairly quickly and without side effect. The patient may feel slightly drowsy, so we often recommend getting a ride home. Otherwise, you can go back to your normal activities right away after having a wonderful dental experience. To learn more about this or the other dental procedures, we offer, call us at (510) 257-2284 and schedule a consultation.

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Oakland Dental Implant Center

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